Radiohead acaba de anunciar el estreno de un nuevo single. Titulado Harry Patch (In Memory Of), se trata de la respuesta de Thom Yorke al impacto que le prudujo la reciente muerte, justamente, de Harry Patch, el último veterano británico sobreviviente de la I Guerra Mundial. La música fue compuesta obviamente por Jonny Greenwood. En palabras del propio Yorke quien es el encargado de la letra:

Recently the last remaining UK veteran of the 1st world war Harry Patch died at the age of 111. I had heard a very emotional interview with him a few years ago on the Today program on Radio4. The way he talked about war had a profound effect on me. It became the inspiration for a song that we happened to record a few weeks before his death. It was done live in an abbey. The strings were arranged by Jonny. I very much hope the song does justice to his memory as the last survivor. It would be very easy for our generation to forget the true horror of war, without the likes of Harry to remind us. I hope we do not forget. As Harry himself said: “Irrespective of the uniforms we wore, we were all victims.

El track puede ser escuchado (sólo 30 segundos) en streaming y descargada, previo pago de una libra esterlina (menos de mil pesos) en este sitio. Todas las ganancias de la venta de este track van a la Legión Británica. Acá les dejamos el audio para que puedan escucharla:

MP3: Radiohead – Harry Patch (In Memory Of)