Ya tenemos primer single del próximo disco de Metronomy. Se titula She Wants, y es el encargado de abrir el próximo trabajo titulado The English Riviera, que debiera salir a la venta los próximos meses vía Because Music.

Al parecer los ingleses se alejan un poco del espíritu pachanguero tipo Hot Chip / Devo, y apuntan a un adult pop más cercano a Destroyer y Twin Shadow, aunque ellos indican:

“We’ve been recording a new album which is pretty much done. Some of it is like Daft Punk meets the Eagles if you can believe that. Some of it is even weirder, more electronic. Some of it is almost like stuff from the first Metronomy album, very weird electronica. And then there’s some really cool pop music on there as well. We’ve gotten a really good response to the new songs we’ve played. It’s going to be a lot of fun to play live.”

Ojo con el código QR que aparece en el video, que apunta a un enlace que permite descargar el MP3 de la canción a partir del 31 de enero (No le digan a nadie).
